Monthly Archives: June 2010

updated: Aflutter


Hey y’all,


Have I mentioned that if I do something, I go all out? Overboard, if you will? I obsess?

Have I also mentioned that I’m a firm believer that the second project is always, always better than the first?


Meet Miss Butterfly frame’s successor:

Mr. Four Leaf Clover

He’s handsome, huh?


And to feed my obsession with paper products, I’ll soon have a plethora of these bad boys and others (butterflies, hearts, the whole nine… I told you, overboard!) for sale in my online store: The projects are done, the photos are soon coming (so you can stop looking at shadowy iPhone pics), and I hope you’ll stop by for a visit soon. Let me know what you think!


love, allison



Howdy neighbors.


I went a little crazy last night. It started with a simple trip to Michael‘s and ended with a full-blown project that I think may end up for sale online. Hmmmm! Before I show you pics (which by the way, require you to be gracious; they were taken on my iPhone), I must remind you that Michael’s matches JoAnn Fabric coupons. Money saving is worth sharing.


Onto project details.


A few weeks ago I saw something for sale online that I was certain I could make for much less than the $50 and up price-tag. That inspired the trip to Michael’s and subsequent purchases (butterfly punch, assorted paper, shadow boxes – a steal for 3/$10, by the way).


So, I got to work.

Punched a ton of butterflies.

Went a little mad.


Then I measured. Over and over. And erased a ton of pencil lines. Have I mentioned that math was my absolute least favorite subject in school? Ask me to spell mathematics, and I’m golden. Ask me to count all of the dashes on a miniature metal toolmaker’s ruler that shows measurements down to the 20th of an inch (is that even a real statement?), and I’m completely out of my element. Math. I hate it.

But I pressed on. All in the name of projects.


After I perfectly placed all of the sticky squares, I realized I hadn’t correctly calculated the space that my sweet butterflies would occupy. A for effort. F for execution. Every single one came off, and I started over. Doesn’t that make you mad? I was.

Alas, I did not give up on account of ruined paper, innumerable eraser marks, and sticky things attached to every part of my fingers, and I was finally able to admire my artsy handiwork.


a·flut·ter (ə-flŭt’ər) adj.

Being in a flutter; fluttering.

Nervous and excited.


Even added a matching tag, in case I decide to gift it, or sell. Taking orders, folks. In customizable colors, and with hopefully a lot less creative drama now that I’ve mastered used once the miniature metal ruler. If you have feedback or ideas for other shapes, let me know. Because boys probably don’t have a thing for butterflies.


love, allison

friendly reunion.


Hi bloggies.


You’re going to have to forgive me. Has it really been an entire week since I’ve logged into love, allison? Seven whole days since I’ve given you a nugget to read?


Yes, it has.

(Also, nugget is a gross sounding word.)


Last weekend, my friends Jenn and Katie and I drove two hours each (they from the North, I from the South), for a short reunion and to spend a day on the Chesapeake Bay and two nights chatting.

Oh yes, it was as envious as it sounds.

Be jealous.


But before I tell you about the hilarity of our boating trip, I must make you even greener with envy: we visited the Farmers Market on Saturday morning first. It’s literally one of the best things to do Spring through Fall. Remember it?

Yes you do.

Now you’re jealous, aren’t you?


And while at said Farmer’s Market, we accumulated a combined smorgasbord of one loaf of honey wheat bread, one loaf of cinnamon bread, one bunch of fresh basil, one pint of homegrown blackberries, one bouquet of flowers, two muffins, and three cookies, and spent less than twenty-five bucks!!). Impressive, huh?

Yes, we also ate far too many samples.

Kind of makes me queasy.


After goods were acquired, folk music was enjoyed, and conversations with strangers had, we headed back to become bathing and fishing beauties on the family boat, Two if by Sea.

Yes, it totally sounds pretentious.

Believe me, it’s not.



We made lunches, packed a cooler, readied our swimsuits, beach bags, and sunglasses, and hit the water. In a just few hours time, Jenn and Katie became professional boaters and fishers and tanners.

Yes, tanners.

Just wait.

It’s worth it.


Jenn’s goals for the the day were: 1. to catch the best fish and 2. to somehow make her multi-faceted tan lines disappear. Here’s a little back story for you. Going into the weekend, Jenn had three tan lines.

Yes, three.

I know, it’s impressive.


The first was a tank top tan line, attributed to time spent outside doing something. My details are fuzzy on this one. Sorry. Tan lines number two and three (farmer’s tan from a tee-shirt and a capri pants tan resulting in white legs with tan feet and ankles) can be attributed to the fact that Jenn’s man-friend W. forgot to tell her that a surprise concert he was taking her to was outside. All day.

Yes, she spent all day outside

In a tee-shirt and capri pants.

Which would’ve been just fine.

Except for the pesky sun.

Which gave her capri pant tan lines.

Still my favorite.


The results of Jenn’s goals at the end of our day? This little sharky-shark, which scared the crazies out of us as it flopped around chomping it’s teeth in the bottom of the boat, and an accidental white patch of untanned skin (and by untanned, I mean white) just below her right shoulder. We’re still not sure how it happened since she decided to fry all day without an ounce of sunscreen, but it now makes for a fourth, and very funny, tan line.

Yes, she wanted to kiss it.

I think it liked it.


Once Jenn threw down the gauntlet in shark-catching, Katie decided to one-up her by landing this guy:

Yes, she made sure his mouth was bloody.

To make him look fierce.

Like a mini-Jaws.


Then Katie kicked Jenn’s fishing butt by reeling in this brown fish with ugly eyes that sit entirely on one side of its body, to which she immediately exclaimed “what IS that thing?”

Yes, it’s a flounder.

A too-small-to-keep flounder.


But doesn’t she look giddy?


This was Katie’s first official day of vacation. School had let out the day before, so she could’ve caught a rock and gotten less sun and she still would’ve been happy as a clam.

Couldn’t resist.


The “highlight” of our day on the Bay may have been tying up near some other boats, and jumping in for a quick swim before eating our lunches while middle-aged guys on the boat closest to us put up a pirate flag. We laughed at the stupidity of their need to wave it in the wind while anchored until we realized the text under the skull and crossbones read “Surrender Your Booty.”

Um. no.

Pretty sure all of the other boats around weren’t having it either.

We left.


The girls and I came home and I got to introduce them to Virginia seafood at Crab Shack on the James, outdoor shopping at City Center, and homemade pie (keylime for Katie and I, raspberry for Jenn) at Jamestown Pie Company. It was as if we were staging a “Mocha Club” reunion, minus Molly and Erin, and on Saturday instead of 8 o’clock on a Wednesday night. Oh, and two hours south of our beloved Starbucks. We stayed much too late, ate way too much, and had far too much fun.

Yes, my heart was full.

Even better? I think we’re planning another reunion.

In August.

When Molly’s back from camp.



A few short hours later, after hard, hard sleep, we hugged, waved goodbye, and promised to see each other soon, before driving off into the haze of humidity. They, heading North. Me, heading South.

Friends, you should totally reunion-ize yourselves this summer. Call up (or text, or email, or Facebook, or tweet) a few friends you haven’t seen in a while, meet in the middle, and plan a few fun things to do. Chances are, they won’t care what you do, as long as you get to hang out, laugh, and eat lots of pie. My recommendation? Lemon Meringue. I think it’s my fave this season.


love, allison

in the making


Hi happy folks.


This is a big week in the life of my family. My wonderfully big-hearted, hug everyone (including strangers), family. Yep, that’s them.


MKate (her childhood nickname) is graduating from high school. Not only is she graduating, but she’s graduating at the tippy-top of her class. That’s right, Summa Cum Laude. As in, A’s on report cards for the last 4+ years. One more cool thing? She’s her class President and tonight will deliver what is an incredibly moving speech to peers, parents, school faculty and family.

MKate will highlight God’s plan for her life and the lives of her classmates, and pay tribute to godly leadership who taught them to serve Him. She will get choked up when she thanks the anonymous sponsor who has paid her expensive Christian school tuition for the last four years, knowing that he or she may never reveal their identity and may never fully grasp the impact they’ve had on her walk with Christ. She will glance lovingly at her mama, who has sacrificed more than should ever be sacrificed, to raise Mkate and her three siblings solo. She will thank God for His faithfulness to see her family through this journey, for His provision, and for placing a desire deep within her to lead others to His grace. And MKate will be beautiful. Inside and out. Her peers, parents, faculty and family will applaud through misty eyes like never before. She will be lovely, inspiring, and radiant.


These moments have been thirteen grades in the making.

(kindergarten counts, remember?!)



Likewise, we are also celebrating her younger sister’s birthday milestone this week. Celebrating the fun, quirky, creative woman that San-San (another childhood nickname) has become. We are so grateful for her mischievous smile, the bright pairs of glasses she’s worn since she was a babe, her enthusiasm for life, the six different colors of nail polish she’s currently wearing on fingers and toes alike, love of cats and music, and passion for reading.

She’s always marched to the beat of her own drum, been whimsical and totally free-spirited. We love that about her, and this week we celebrate the fact that we didn’t kill her out of envy. (ha!) She made it to this important birthday, and we are so thankful for the way she makes us look at life a little differently, a little less seriously, and with a lot more laughter. There’s something ridiculously special about the witty way she finds humor in every situation. This week we bought presents, sang, and threw a party. She blew out candles, thought about her first trip to the DMV, and was loved on by many, many friends at a backyard barbecue.


These moments have been sixteen years in the making.



Perhaps the best part of the phrase “in the making” is that it reminds me that while we celebrate a moment, it’s not the end. MKate won’t repeat high school and San-San can’t keep turning sixteen over and over. These achievements have been heading towards us for many years, but now that they’re here, we realize the requirement to move forward.

It’s the same in our relationship with our Savior. We may learn something new, claim victory over specific sin, or give thanks for what He has done, but we are never finished. He is constantly and tirelessly working in us: stretching us, changing us, growing us. Thank goodness! Though we can remember and celebrate these things, we, as the body of Christ, must not find satisfaction in these godly milestones. We must move forward in obedience and revel in the fact that our hearts are steadily being transformed into His likeness.


We are in the making.

I am too.


love, allison



Hi lovelies.

Here’s a confession: I read multiple books at once. Yes, I know it’s schizophrenic and frustrating to many brains (including mine, sometimes!), but that’s what happens. It satisfies my inner A.D.D. That’s what I tell myself at least, so I can blame my insanity on something other than well, my insanity. Ha!

Sometimes it takes weeks and weeks, and often months, just to finish a book. But the great news is, I never just finish one book, I finish multiples! Usually the number hovers around four. Now that’s cause for celebration! After celebration? A  trek to the library and Barnes & Noble to carefully select a new smorgasbord of books that’ll keep me on my toes.

To be fair, there’s at least one “fluffy” book in the mix. Something funny like The Know-It-All or a guilty pleasure like Twilight. It keeps me from being overloaded with information, history lessons, bible studies, or “how-to.” Let me just clarify something, for those of you who haven’t read a single word since I typed the word Twilight: I did not go see the movie premieres at 12 AM, or in the theater at all, but I might have a friend who did.

Back to the point of this note…

In my reading stack of late, I’ve come across a few things too great to hoard. Get ready to copy [control + c] and paste [control + v]; you’re going to want to Tweet these suckers.

The fountains from which love flows are in God, not in us. It is absurd to think that the love of God is naturally in our hearts, as a result of our own nature. His love is only there because it “has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.” (Rom 5:5). – Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

A woman who is unveiling her beauty is inviting others to life. She risks being vulnerable; exposing her true heart and inviting others to share theirs. She is not demanding, but she is hopeful. She entices others to the heart of God. You see, ultimately, a woman invites us to know God. To experience through her that God is merciful. That He is tender and kind. That God longs for us – to be known by us and to know us. She invites us to experience that God is good, deep, lovely, alluring. – John & Stasi Eldridge, Captivating.

These kinds of quotes make me thankful for people who understand the truths of Scripture and relay them to people like me in a way that is so personal. I’ve walked away from reading portions of these two books changed in the way I view the love of Christ in me (through the Holy Spirit) and desiring to unveil His beauty in my life to others, so they are invited to experience God’s goodness. Wow. Do I live believing that the love I give to others is a result of the ‘goodness’ of my character? Do I think it’s just a result of who I am? Or do I believe the love I extend to others is the reflection of the love that Christ has given me and flows through me only because of the Holy Spirit? Even so, If I believe it’s His love and not my own (which I do), am I giving it to others in a way that invites them to experience God’s deepness? (Um. Sometimes?) Convicting.

Okay, now for a blurb from the funny book in my stack. My friend Lisa former neighbor met and began dating Nick Mr., near the end of 2009. If I’d been reading this book at the time, I would have certainly passed along these e-dating deal breakers from A. J. Jacobs’ most-recent book, The Guinea Pig Diaries:

1. If the guy uses the word lady or ladies in his opening e-mail

2. If the guy lists his best feature as “butt” (ironically or not)

3. If the guy uses more than two exclamation points in one sentence (e.g., “Hello there beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”)

4. If the guy misspells the first word of his introductory essay. (“Chemestry is important.”) I don’t want to be a spelling snob, but the first word?

5. If the guy’s opening photo features a shot in which his head is tilted more than 20 degrees to the left or right

6. If the guy has a photo of his Jet-Ski or snowmobile on his page

7. If the guy is wearing sunglasses, any hat besides a baseball cap, or is bare-chested in his main photo

8. If the guy refers to female anatomy anywhere in his initial correspondence (e.g., “I’m not a professional, but uh, I’d be happy to take a look”)

Thankfully, Mr. passed this deal breakers test, even though his profile is now months old and hasn’t been used since he met former neighbor. (Cue “awwww” from readers.) They’re happily planning a summer visit to see his parents in the country. (Again, awwww.)

It’s time now for bed (in fact, past time!), but I want to leave you with this, Paul’s words to the Thessalonians:

May the Lord make your love for one another and for all people grow and overflow, just as our love for you overflows. May He, as a result, make your hearts strong, blameless, and holy as you stand before God our Father.” 1 Thes 3:12-13

Love, Allison

one year ago.


Exactly 365 days ago, I was running out of this hotel in humid Atlanta, with a tote bag filled to the brim with shoes, makeup, and hair accessories, and a dress bag in the other hand that I was desperately trying to keep unwrinkled. I’m sure I looked crazy, in my long teal cotton dress, flip-flops, and curls flying behind me. There were girls waiting on me. Those curls had taken way too much time. Oops.

Exactly 365 days ago, I was nervous. Had a goliath headache, was worried about frizzy hair and being late. Were my stomach pangs from eating too many fried zucchini appetizers for breakfast, leftover from the fabulous downtown Maggiano’s party with friends and family the night before? Nerves? Ugh. Breathe.

Exactly 365 days ago, I drove to this destinationPeachtree Christian in midtown. It’s a stately locale. Massive, too, in all of its bricked glory. It’s hard to miss, and awfully hard to get into. Believe me. Feels like I must’ve found at least 3 locked doors before finally escaping the heat of the asphalt parking lot. Glorious.

Exactly 365 days ago, I helped this girl fix her hair and put on a cute beaded headband. A crown would’ve been too much. This headband was just her style. Beautiful! I was so excited to spend time with her and chat with the other girls. We fussed with our hair, put on nearly seven coats of mascara, prayed together, and checked our lip gloss far too many times. Excitement.

Exactly 365 days ago, I couldn’t wait to hug this guy. Tell him how much I loved him. Tell him how glad I was to be his sister. And then I’m pretty sure I jokingly said something horribly inappropriate to make him smile. It went something like, “You know, I’m thinking about going out and getting something to eat. Wanna come? We don’t have to come back if you don’t want.” I was kidding. Of course, he never considered the offer, and I really didn’t want a lunch date, just a laugh. Success.

Exactly 365 days ago, I’d never been happier to wear this navy taffeta. In the 364 days prior, I was certain I was lied to when told, “you’ll be able to wear this dress again and again!” 365 days later, on this day, after careful inspection, I was pretty sure I might really be able to. The skeptic in me died when I saw the other girls in their matching taffeta and finally slipped mine on. Who knew my freckles could be so… Photogenic?

Exactly 365 days ago, I picked up this bouquet of yellow daisies, smelled the flowers, and carried it around the rest of the day. The blooms looked smashing against my navy taffeta, and especially smashing when multiplied: five bouquets against five navy taffeta dresses. Secondary Colors.

Exactly 365 days ago, I laughed in this shady courtyard with my lovely friends, smiled for unbearable amounts of time, and endured silver heels that pinched my feet. This girl was the most beautiful in her white gown, and if her feet hurt, she probably would’t have noticed. Love.

Exactly 365 days ago, we waited in the dark foyer of this grand room, lined up and looked for the cue to enter. Finally, the doors swung open. One by one, in time with the music, we carefully walked down this long aisle, in front of these mesmerized guests. This guy couldn’t take his eyes off of this girlBreathtaking.

Exactly 365 days ago, this boy married this girl. I couldn’t have been happier. He loved her, and she him. They were all smiles. Maybe a few tears. Mostly smiles. Perfect.

Exactly 365 days ago, we threw a huge party at this girl’s alumni Georgia Tech campus. Two hundred and fifty of our closest friends spent the afternoon with us. We clapped and cheered, danced and toasted. We ate and talked and laughed until our stomachs hurt. Celebration.

Exactly 365 days ago, this guy and this girl were showered with bubbles as they ran toward the Ramblin’ Wreck, and cruised off into the sunset to snap a few more photos, take a trip to St. Lucia, and move to Winston-Salem to start a new life together. Beginnings.

And, exactly 365 days later, June 13, 2010, this guy and this girl are celebrating their one year anniversary. They’ve survived and enjoyed 365 days of moving, sharing, working, a naughty puppy, learning, laughing, studying for two MBAs, changing, and planning. Milestone.

Today, this heart couldn’t be more blessed to know this guy and this girl. Eric & Jennifer, I’m incredibly proud of you for honoring God this year through your marriage. Happy first anniversary!

Love, Allison

a flock of paper Pom Poms


Hi friends.

I have the urge to paint something. This is not good. Usually when this happens I obsess over purchasing the perfect item at one of my favorite cruddy warehouses, or scour each room in my house to  find something to “redo.” Something which, has probably already been “redone” once already. And then there’s the aspect of obsessing over choosing a paint color. Look. This whole painting urge is an ordeal.

Back to today. Not only do I not currently have a good outdoor space to tackle painting projects, the sky is threatening to open up and send lightning bolts my way in approximately T-minus 2 hours. At least, that’s what Mr. Weird-Hair Weatherman just said. Hmm.

Wait. Painting officially nixed. Just heard thunder. Desire killed.

Brilliant idea. I’ll tackle paint projects next week when I’m making a visit to see family (they’ve got TONS of outdoor space, an empty garage, and a shed, to boot). That was a brilliant immediate thought. And today, I’ll craft up a flock of tissue paper pom poms. They’re going to look great hanging above the kitchen table in bright cheery colors, and they’re seriously like a 1.5 on the difficulty level scale. If you can accordion fold, you’re qualified.

Hey! Why don’t you join me in pom pom adventures? It’ll be fun. Take your booty over to the Dollar Tree, buy some tissue paper and some dental floss (or fishing line, or ribbon; whatever your crafty heart desires), and make your own with me this afternoon. I’m thinking about pink, white, and orange. That sounds like a party. If you’re tempted to cheat, don’t give in to the pre-fab kits you can buy at Michael’s – you’re getting ripped off, even if you use your 40% off coupon. Did it once; never again.

If you want step-by-step instructions (even though these things really are fool-proof), check out Martha’s gallery, where I “borrowed” my pic from. Sorry, Martha. How does it feel to have people steal from you?  Shame on me for that awful joke, too.

Let me know how your pom poms turn out, friendlies. Send me the photos! I can’t wait to see them in all of their colorful glory.

love, allison

Watch your back, Betty Crocker.


Hi foodies.

Betty Crocker better watch her back. I was in the kitchen tonight, and I’ve thrown down the gauntlet, Peach Crisp style. Even if she stages a comeback, I’m still golden. This dessert rocked. Meredith and Ryan say so.

One tip, before I toss out the recipe to those of you waiting with bated breath. Do watch this video before you peel your peaches, not after. It will save you tons of time and a plethora of squished peach pieces. Seriously, do it.

Now pre-heat your oven to 350F.


Allison’s Peach Crisp

Peach filling

  1. 6 cups fresh peach slices, peeled and pitted.
  2. 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  3. 1/4 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  4. 1 Tbs lemon juice

In a large bowl, toss peeled and pitted ripe peach slices with 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup flour, and lemon juice. Arrange in buttered 9×9 glass baking dish. Set it aside.

Granola Topping

  1. 1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  2. 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  3. 3/4 cup rolled oatmeal (not instant)
  4. 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  5. 4 oz (1 stick) salted butter, cold, cut into 8 pieces

Combine 1 cup flour, 3/4 cup brown sugar, oatmeal and cinnamon in the bowl of a food processor. Pulse until blended. With food processor running, add cold butter a few pieces at a time. Pulse until the butter is incorporated and looks like coarse meal.

Spread granola topping evenly over the peaches and bake at 350F for 30-40 minutes or until peaches are bubbling through and the topping is starting to brown. Remove your Peach Crisp from the oven and cool for approximately 15 minutes or more before serving.

Serve warm with ice cream or Sweetened Whipped Cream (recipe follows).

Sweetened Whipped Cream

  1. 1 pint heavy whipping cream
  2. 1 tsp vanilla
  3. 1/8 cup granulated or confectioner’s sugar

Blend ingredients together with mixer and whip until stiff peaks form. This is when I really love my KitchenAid. When your whipped cream looks and tastes great, pop it in the fridge until you’re ready to serve.


Don’t forget to share your Peach Crisp with a friend; it serves up to 6. Leftovers (if any!) will keep in the refrigerator for a few days, but may not last. This thing’s that good.

Watch out Betty. There’s a new girl in town. She wears an apron too. Take that.

Love, Allison

sickness education 101


Hi friends and strangers,

I’m pretty sure I had the Bubonic Plague last week. Really. It’s been great. So great, in fact, that I just couldn’t wait to write up this little post for you: Sickness Education 101, to share all the things I learned in my moments of distress. Sickness Education 101 is nothing short of a scholastic jewel, slightly entertaining, and definitely not exaggerated. Not one bit.

Here goes; take notes!

Things I Learned from the Plague:

1. Kleenex with lotion are definitely worth the extra dollar. When suffering from the plague, please save yourself from the embarrassment of red, chapped nostrils. You’ll thank yourself on day 5 of nose blowing, even if you’re slightly poorer. If you get desperate and dry-skinned enough, they also work on hands, faces, and feet. Sort of.

2. Puppies like shredding and eating said Kleenex with lotion. Apparently the smell is irresistible for four-legged monsters friends. They will steal them straight out of the box, if necessary, and run. Around and around. They’re faster than you. You’ll find shreds of Kleenex everywhere. Hear me on this part: cleanup is not the worst part. Digestion is.

3. Drinking green tea at night will temporarily relieve your sore throat, but results in laying awake for the next 5.5 hours, which leads to…

4. Middle-of-the-night TV is the worst, even worse than daytime Soaps. In the span of a few moments, you’ll be convinced you need blueberry bushes, hanging strawberry gardens, Japanese knives, nail dazzles, bark buster, 6 second abs, 3 minute legs, and the 10 minute trainer. Don’t forget OxiClean (RIP Billy Mays), and Hatteras Yachts, if you’re dying to spend 200K at 2 AM.

5. Don’t answer the door. Be honest with yourself, you’re not going to fool the UPS guy or the girl selling wrapping paper into thinking you were just “resting.” One quick glace is enough to convince them that you’re horribly infected with something they probably need a health department vaccination for.

6. Ramen noodles are not a Campbell’s replacement. In delirium, don’t believe that something that costs mere pennies will taste like your favorite red-labeled chicken noodle soup. Your college taste buds have changed. Resist the temptation of the plastic package and whopping 450 calories. Your mouth and sodium levels can’t take the shock.

7. Magazines are your friends. Pottery Barn. Family Circle. Good Housekeeping. Real Simple. People. US Weekly. You may even resort to JC Penney, but don’t admit it. Whatever the case, keep your new found information to yourself. Your real life friends will not forgive you for knowing who Kim Kardashian is dating. This week.

8. Running on the treadmill will not help you sweat out your sickness. Even if you try it for three successive days. And wear a garbage bag. Just kidding about the garbage bag. But don’t think it didn’t cross my mind once or eleven times. Who wouldn’t love to shed a little water weight in time for swimsuit season and get rid of the plague in one fell swoop?

9. Medicine is a sham. Here’s the thing. If you drink a little cup of magic Nyquil, you’re admitting that you feel so awful that you’d rather zombie through the next 4 days of your life than face the plague. Except in the case of #3. On the other hand, Dayquil is like Nyquil with a splash of something “special” that convinces you to bake 24 chocolate-chip cookies and a can of croissants, wash a load of laundry, and play fetch with the dog in 95 degree weather so he doesn’t feel neglected. It’s heart-racing fun, all in one orange swig. What it boils down to is that you either have to agree to a multi-day coma or being on speed. There is no in-between.

10. Being a mouth-breather isn’t socially acceptable. Yes, it’s gross to drool on your pillow and annoying to have a continually parched throat, but just think of others around who are listening to you labor to get oxygen in and out. Plus, it’s really not cute to be the person who, when smiling, has to leave a gap between top and bottom teeth to exhale. If air can’t physically move through your nasal passages, stay home.


If you’re wondering why I didn’t go to the doctor, I’ll put it simply: it would’ve been way too easy, and how would you have learned to handle your next Bubonic bout?

I’m happy to share that I may finally be on the upswing of this nastiness. Soon, my sniffles and smoker’s cough will be a thing of the past, and you’ll be wise with viral knowledge. Literally.

Don’t forget to take your vitamins.

Love, Allison

today is THAT day.


Today is THAT day. From the start until now, it has proven to be everything but nice. I’ve barely escaped unscathed, and here’s how it went down.


1. Woke up at 6:38. On a day I don’t work. Attempted to sleep again. Couldn’t. Gave up and got up. Let Scout out of kennel. He jumped on bed. Sat to pet him. He peed. Where? On me. On the bed. Comforter, sheets and all. Stupid dog.

Anyone want a not-so-housebroken not-so-puppy?


2. Worked out. For a mere 21 minutes. Ripped my shorts. How, do you ask? It is possible, you know. Yep. Your pocket can get caught on the machine as you’re walking past it. Trust me. It’s possible. So maddening.

I quit.


3. Went to the pool instead. Relaxed for a few minutes. Reread part of Crazy Love. What could go wrong? It was hot and beautiful. Gave my squinting eyes a break. Set book on the table. Right in a puddle of water. Wanted to throw the whole thing in the pool. Except that it’s Eric’s copy.

Sorry, brother.


4. Needed to go to TJ Maxx. Thought I knew the way. It’s in another part of town. Seriously, curses on 40 and 421. I do not understand the two of them. Or their stupid relationship. And why, when I can clearly see the interstate, I am not able to get on it. A 15 minute drive became 40. Ish.

How scenic.


5. Finally arrived. Found a summer purse. Super! Tried to buy it. Cashier rang it up. Realized it was ripped. Ugh. Searched for another. Did they have it? Nooooooooo. Why? Because TJ Maxx is not a department store.

Shopping at Macy’s from now on.


6. Went to Wal-Mart. Bought a choke-chain collar for Scout. Because he’s dumb. And pulls your arm out of socket. Especially if he smells something “good.” Which, in reality, could be anything from poop to steak. Got to the car. Loaded my bags. Drove home. Did the choke-chain collar come home with me? Nope. It’s still sitting in my basket. In the middle of the parking lot. Or in the pocket of one lucky cart boy.

Three dollars and one choke-chain poorer.


It’s truth. Today is THAT day. So bad that it’s funny. Can’t be redeemed, but alas, I’m in good spirits. Here are the good moments:


1. Found a great shirt at TJ Maxx. Not quite as great as the purse, but still.

Small victory.


2. And a pair of exercise capris.

Don’t judge.


3. Helped a handicapped man get groceries. Chicken salad and pimento cheese. It was my feel-good moment of the day, even if pimento cheese is disgusting. Thinking, however, that I should’ve helped him make better choices.

Hindsight is 20/20.


4. Good call with another prospective church today. They’ve asked me to visit. Determining dates later this week, and totally seeking God’s direction on this one.



5. Great emails too, from people far and near. Everyone loves an ego boost every now and again. A modest ego boost, that is. We wouldn’t want to get all puffed up, would we? Oh no. We are soooooo humble, and proud of it. Gasp!

Why am I saying “we” when I should say “I”?


6. Bought my first pool float. On sale, no less, for a mere $5! I’m going to feel awesome when I can finish reading the wrinkled pages of Eric’s book while floating on a giant green pillow. Oh yeah, that’s going to be the good life. If only I didn’t have to wait another 6 days to do it.

Hurry up, Sunday afternoon!


On tonight’s agenda? Ibuprofen for my headache, a reward cookie for my pride, and a long talk with Scout about how not cool it is to relieve himself indoors. Oh, and an early bedtime. Why? Because today is THAT day; I’m refusing to let tomorrow be that day too.

Glass half full.

Hope your day was less awfully laughable than mine!

Love, Allison